Agricultural Services
Naturaide provides the following agricultural services:
Nutrient Management Strategy/Plan and NASM Plan preparation
Building a new barn or manure storage? Applying a NASM on your farm? If you req​uire a Nutrient Management Strategy/Plan or NASM Plan, Naturaide works with you to maximize the benefit of the nutrients produced and stored on the farm while ensuring that the environment is protected.
$75/hour for NMS/NMP/NASM Plan preparation, extra costs for soil sampling if required.
Soil sample collection
With a short window for soil sample completion in eastern Ontario, Naturaide works to ensure your farm is bulk or zone sampled quickly, properly and in a co​st-effective manner. Normal sampling times are pre-plant spring, pre-sidedress nitrogen or after harvest. Regular soil sampling is critical to avoid fertilizer overapplication.
Bulk/zone soil sampling is $4/acre. Additional costs for sampling for NASM Plans.
Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) reports
Naturaide provides Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) I and II calculations and reports for municipalities when required for proposed lots or dwellings and new and expanding livestock facilities and provides advice and solutions for each project.
$75/hour for all MDS work.
Fruit tree pruning
No time to complete orchard pruning? Just a few trees to trim? Contract fruit tree pruning is available from late January through March.
Starting at $75/tree, rates based on complexity and access to trees. Discounts for 5+ trees and affordable hourly rates for orchards.